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Thu, 06 Sep 2007


Hacking serialisable closures with SBCL

The key element in Common Cold was being able to generate serialisable closures without having to transform all the lexically enclosing code. To do that, I had to have access to two things: all the functions in the lexical environment — remember that CL is a Lisp-2, so even if lambda are serialisable, local functions won't benefit from that automatically (that would also be pretty bad for performance) — and all the variables in the enviroment (along with their values, at runtime).

As would be expected, there is a list of all the lexical variable definitions (whether they're symbol-macros, lexical variables or dynamically scoped ones) in the lexical environment (lexenv) object. After all, most of that is needed for macroexpand to work correctly. As is logical, the innermost variables are at the head. Even better: SBCL's compiler seems to always store the information needed to inline local functions (in the lexenv), which is, luckily enough, more than enough to recover their source and their ordering. Some of that information is a bit hidden, however, since the goals of the compiler are different from ours. What is directly available in the lexenv object is a list of function 'nodes', with the most nested function(s) first. Note how there is no direct way to know how functions and variables are interleaved, or which functions were defined in the same labels or flet (this is not an issue for variables, since their value will already have been computed when we'll unserialise the closures).

To recover that information, we can use the lexenv object associated with each function node. To group functions together, we simply have to detect when they close over the same set of functions. Recursive functions (defined with labels) also close over themselves, while those defined with flet don't. Local macros are represented as closures, so there is no need to get their grouping right, only the ordering, which is implicit in the list of functions. Note that, since local functions must be defined where they are bound (CL is a Lisp-2), we know that simply getting this ordering and grouping right will be enough to rebuild the correct lexical environment.

In order to know where each variable should be defined, we can, again, use the lexenv object associated with each function node to find the outermost (group of) function that closes over that variable. Now, we can easily generate a form that will have all the function/macros definition and variable binding/symbol macro definition forms nested in the right order to recreate the lexical environment. To bind the variables to the right values, the simplest way is to wrap the form in a lambda, and take the values as arguments (bound to gensymmed variables, otherwise there would be issues with variables that have the same names). There is also the issue of local macros: macro functions are stored as functions. Trying to store them in the form would be quite painful: no dumping to fasls, no easy way to share the data across processes, ... Instead, they are left in the form only to expand all the macros away with sb-walker, and then removed from the form. We can finally splice in whatever form we want inside all those definitions and bindings (before macroexpanding everything). Once we evaluate the complete form and pass it the values of the lexical variables, we will have the value of the spliced in form, evaluated inside a recreation of the lexical environment represented by the lexenv object.

That still leaves the question of how to get the values of the variables. Naively, since we have access to all the variables' names, it seems like we could just generate a form to create a list of all the variables' values. That dies when lexical scope is used to have two variables with the same name. We also cannot only capture the value of innermost variable of each name: the values are needed for surrounding local functions. The solution that I found is to make sure I get a fresh lexenv, side effect it to associate all the variable objects with fresh names, and create the list inside that new environment.

In slightly more than 400 LOC, this gives us a generic way to evaluate forms in serialisable lexical environments, and thus serialisable closures, and a global registry to unserialise these closures (and to detect nearly duplicate unserialisers, which may happen with nested serialisable closures, or serialisable closures inside local functions that surround another serialisable closure, although that blow-up is, at most, quadratic in the number of environment serialising forms).

posted at: 00:00 | /Lisp/CommonCold | permalink

Mon, 25 Jun 2007


Common Cold's special forms

The central element in serialising continuations are serialisable closures. They are created by the macros slambda (serialisable lambda) and sfunction (serialisable function), which can be used exactly like the lambda and function special forms, except that slambda may not be the car of an expression (or inside a function form), and that sfunction can only be given a function's name as argument. These macros will globally register the information needed to serialise and deserialise the closures at compile-time, in a serialisable format.

For example, a serialisable adder could be created this way

(defun make-adder (inc)
  (flet ((adder (x)
           (+ x inc)))
    (sfunction adder)))
or that way
(defun make-adder (inc)
  (slambda (x)
    (+ x inc)))

Note that there is no need to annotate local variables or functions. Highly unportable environment access is used to regenerate information about the lexical scope surrounding an slambda or sfunction form. Unfortunately, it means that it may also interact badly with codewalked extensions.

Something close to Administrative-Normal Form (ANF, or monadic style) is then used to expose enough structure to macros for them to be able to easily save continuations. (bind (var val) expr) binds the value of val to var in expr, adding expr to val's continuation. dbind is the same thing, but binds to special (dynamically scoped) variables instead of lexical ones. This is enough to make explicit the order in which operations will be executed, which is exactly what is needed to implement continuations. There is no need for a monadic return: we use dynamically scoped constructs (catch and throw), so values need not be wrapped specially.

ANF is much less painful to use than CPS, but it's still far from ideal. Common Cold offers several macros to emulate common CL values binding forms. Instead of let*, one should use mlet* (to bind to lexical variables) or mdlet* (to bind to special variables). For example:

(mlet* ((x (get-x))
        (y (get-y))
        (dist (sqrt (+ (* x x)
                       (* y y)))))
  (fn dist))
or, if we want fn to have access to x and y as special variables:
(mdlet* ((*x* (get-x))
         (*y* (get-y)))
  (fn (sqrt (+ (* *x* *x*)
               (* *y* *y*)))))

Note that normal CL lexical binding forms (e.g., let or let*) may be freely mixed with CC's forms, as long as the execution of the value expressions ((get-x), (get-y), ... here) does not capture continuations. CL dynamic binding forms (e.g. with (declare (special...))), however, should only be used when the execution of both the value expressions and the body of the forms (the dynamic extent of the bindings) does not capture continuations. mlet (for lexical bindings) and mdlet (for dynamic ones) offer a behaviour like that of CL's let, where the bindings are only established once all the bound values have been computed.

Creating serialisable closures and continuations establishes copies of the lexical bindings. Assignment to lexical variables is thus not recommended, at least not when slambda or sfunction forms are in the lexical scope, or continuation-capturing code in the dynamic scope. Dynamic bindings, on the other hand, are linked to the dynamic environment, and not to continuation frames or closures. Thus, it makes sense to capture them with the rest of the dynamic environment — at least, as much of it — in continuations. Capturing continuations will also save (copy) the values of all the bindings at the time of the capture, so assignment to special variables is meaningful... without continuations making it harder to reason about them.

Common Lisp's non-local exit forms (e.g., throw or tagbody) all have a dynamic extent, which means they are useless after the capture and later invocation of a continuation. Common Cold duplicates some of these forms in order to be able to restore them when invoking continuations. mcatch may be used exactly like catch, returning to it with a normal throw. mblock (which, like block, establishes a lexical non-local exit environment), on the other hand, must be matched with mreturn-from or mreturn (which act like return-from and return). Returning to a CL block with mreturn-from, or to an mblock with return-from will result in erroneous code. Fortunately, they are lexically scoped constructs, so using them correctly should be easy (checkable locally).

Finally, to execute several operations in sequence, one should use mprogn, which acts like progn. However, most of the special forms above have implicit mprogn (when their CL counterparts have implicit progn).

posted at: 00:00 | /Lisp/CommonCold | permalink


Details on the serialisation of closures and continuations

Closures are serialised by saving information about their lexical environment at compile-time, and the values of the variables they close over at runtime. More accurately, the fully macroexpanded (another possible conflict with codewalked extensions) source of a function that will reconstruct the complete lexical environment of the closure, given the values of closed variables, and then recreate the closure in that environment, is generated. That source is compiled lazily, when needed, while the server is running. While this should increase the speed at which programs are compiled, it can be undesirable. (ensure-all-builders) will compile, in advance, all the deserialising functions.

Note that, in order to save space, lexical environments that are identical modulo the equivalence of uninterned symbols are considered equivalent. In any case, using uninterned symbols for equality (as opposed to lexical variables or function) is a bad idea, since their identity is not preserved by a print -> read round-trip. While using symbol-name would make sense, using strings sounds like a better idea.

Once the deserialising function has been generated, it is associated with an unique closure descriptor number and saved in a global hash table. The descriptor is used during serialisation instead of the source itself to save space and improve speed. A serialisable closure is thus defined by a closure descriptor number and a list of the values it closes over (in an arbitrary but important order).

Since both the descriptors (numbers) and the deserialising functions (or, rather, their source) can be printed readably, they can easily be serialised to migrate to another server or to improve load balancing and redundancy.

Finally, continuations are simply lists of (serialisable) closures, generated at runtime by the bind and dbind macros, and are printed as such. Since *print-circle* is bound to T during serialisation (printing), sharing within a single continuation is preserved. Object identity, however, is not, except for interned symbols.

posted at: 00:00 | /Lisp/CommonCold | permalink


Generating webpages with Common Cold

Common Cold doesn't actually offer any special way to generate webpages. Functions simply have to return strings; how the strings are generated is irrelevant. What CC does offer is a way to encode continuations in URLs and a Hunchentoot handler to decode and invoke them.

call-with-continuation-url is a low-level function that takes an input function, captures the continuation and encodes it in an URL, sets up a copy of the dynamic bindings in the continuation, and passes its argument that URL. The function should return a string, the contents of the webpage. For example,

(defun counter ()
      ((inner (count)
           (lambda (k)
                (:head (:title "Counter"))
                (:body (fmt "Count: ~A~%" count)
                       (:a :href k "Next"))))))
          (inner (1+ count)))))
    (inner 0)))
uses cl-who to implement a simple page that counts the number of times the user has clicked on "Next". Continuation capture prunes redundant frames, so tail recursion is safe and will not lead to ever-growing URLs.

send/suspend is a simple macro that wraps call-with-continuation-url in some syntactic sugar. It should be used as (send/suspend (k) body...), where k is the variable to which the continuation's URL will be bound, and body an implicit progn (not mprogn) that should evaluate to a string. The example above can be rewritten as:

(defun counter ()
      ((inner (count)
          (send/suspend (k)
               (:head (:title "Counter"))
               (:body (fmt "Count: ~A~%" count)
                      (:a :href k "Next")))))
          (inner (1+ count)))))
    (inner 0)))

Note that neither version uses CGI parameters. However, the count could clearly be one. Common Cold treats special variables as CGI parameters, exposing them in the URL as such, and updating their values according to the parameters list when possible. The counter could thus be rewritten as:

(defun counter ()
      ((inner (count)
         (mdlet ((count count))
          (send/suspend (k)
               (:head (:title "Counter"))
               (:body (fmt "Count: ~A~%" count)
                      (:a :href k "Next")))))
          (inner (1+ count)))))
    (inner 0)))

The URL will look like [base64-data]?COUNTER:COUNT=0& (the colon is actually URI-encoded), and, if the value is overridden in any way (by replacing it, or by appending a binding to COUNTER:COUNT in the query), it will replace the current one. If, however, no value is provided as a parameter, the actual value when the continuation was capture will be used as a default. Hunchentoot's parameter handling functions can of course also be used.

To register our counter function as a webpage, make-continuation-handler must be used to create a handler closure, which we can then pass to Hunchentoot's dispatcher creating functions. For example,

(push (hunchentoot:create-prefix-dispatcher
       (make-continuation-handler 'counter
will call counter whenever a request is made for "/counter/". It will also treat any other URL beginning with "/counter/" as a continuation URL by clipping out the prefix. A predicate (that returns a true value when its argument corresponds to a request to 'counter) can also be passed instead of a string as the second argument to make-continuation-handler.

Continuations are, by default, simply gziped and base64-encoded. While we are passing closure descriptors instead of actual code, it can still be dangerous, and probably constitutes an information leak. register-key should be used to register a private key that will be used to encrypt and decrypt (symmetrically) the continuations.

posted at: 00:00 | /Lisp/CommonCold | permalink


Common Cold, my latest hack

When someone wants to try continuations-based web pages in Common Lisp, they're usually directed at UnCommonWeb. A lot of work has gone into making UCW powerful, but that's not necessarily useful, and can even make things harder to understand, when one doesn't need all that power. Common Cold tries to target that niche, as a simple library (I certainly wouldn't call it a framework) with a low cost of entry.

To keep things simple, Common Cold (CC) defers to third-party libraries for nearly everything. It uses Hunchentoot straightforwardly for web serving per se. Functions only have to return pages as strings, for example, using CL-WHO (which is what CC does internally). Moreover, instead of striving for a transparent restructuring of code to extract continuations, explicitly marked macros must be used by the user. Hopefully, they won't prove to be particularly painful.

Having the programmer annotate its code with special forms instead of using a codewalker has several advantages. Obviously, we can use the normal CL macro machinery instead of having to use a codewalker, which makes the code much less complex. It also makes the restructuring more transparent and controllable for the programmer. I believe the most important advantage, however, is simply that the border between continuations-ful code and normal CL code is always explicit. When playing with non-native but 'transparent' continuations, the abstraction tends to leak in various surprising ways (for example, when passing a continuation-capturing closure to an untransformed higher-order function), even more so when continuations are serialised, as in Common Cold.

Serialised continuations are another design goal of Common Cold. Continuations-based web systems usually keep the continuations server-side (for a certain amount of time), and only pass an unique handle to the client. This means that every request consumes server resources and that URLs always have a somewhat short lifetime. It also makes load balancing more difficult, unless continuations can be migrated from one node to another. CC instead uses special forms to enable serialisable closures (and continuation frames). They are then encoded in the URL, instead of a session id or of a handle. The system was designed so that even the deserialisation routines can be serialised, making migration and load balancing easier to implement. These continuation URLs have an illimited lifetime, as long as the webpage functions are not recompiled (and that could be arranged). They are thus closer to the ideal of cool URLs than those of typical continuations-based web frameworks.

Since serialising and deserialising closures and continuations amounts to deeply copying them, side effects to lexical bindings often make little sense. Dynamic bindings (special variables) are instead used for side-effectful bindings. Since special variables have a dynamic scope, capturing their latest value in continuations, which can be seen as capturing the current dynamic environment, seems to make sense. While assignment is restricted to special variables, it is far from discouraged. Common Cold establishes a parallel between CGI parameters and top-level (non-shadowed) dynamic bindings. Their values are always saved in the continuation URL. However, they may be overridden, as if by assignment, by CGI parameters with the same (symbol-)name. These parameters are also exposed in the URL to make them easier to manipulate. To simplify interactions via forms, only the rightmost binding for any given parameter is considered.

More on how to actually use Common Cold later; I have a conference to register at in 6 hours.

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