Paul Khuong: some Lisp

Performance tuning ~ writing an essay

Oct 19th, 2014 | Comments

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My work at AppNexus mostly involves performance optimisation, at any level from microarchitecture-driven improvements to data layout and assembly code to improving the responsiveness of our distributed system under load. Technically, this is similar to what I was doing as a lone developer on research-grade programs. However, the scale of our (constantly changing) code base and collaboration with a dozen other coders mean that I approach the task differently: e.g., rather than single-mindedly improving throughput now, I aim to pick an evolution path that improves throughput today without imposing too much of a burden on future development or fossilising ourselves in a design dead-end. So, although numbers still don’t lie (hah), my current approach also calls for something like judgment and taste, as well as a fair bit of empathy for others. Rare are the obviously correct choices, and, in that regard, determining what changes to make and which to discard as over-the-top ricing feels like I’m drafting a literary essay.

This view is probably tainted by the fact that, between English and French classes, I spent something like half of my time in High School critiquing essays, writing essays, or preparing to write one. Initially, there was a striking difference between the two languages: English teachers had us begin with the five paragraph format where one presents multiple arguments for the same thesis, while French teachers imposed a thesis/antithesis/synthesis triad (and never really let it go until CÉGEP, but that’s another topic). When I write that performance optimisation feels like drafting essays, I’m referring to the latter “Hegelian” process, where one exposes arguments and counterarguments alike in order to finally make a stronger case.

I’ll stretch the analogy further. Reading between the lines gives us access to more arguments, but it’s also easy to get the context wrong and come up with hilariously far-fetched interpretations. When I try to understand a system’s performance, the most robust metrics treat the system as a black box: it’s hard to get throughput under production data wrong. However, I need finer grained information (e.g., performance counters, instruction-level profiling, or application-specific metrics) to guide my work, and, the more useful that information can be – like domain specific metrics that highlight what we could do differently rather than how to do the same thing more efficiently – the easier it is to measure incorrectly. That’s not a cause for despair, but rather a fruitful line of skepticism that helps me find more opportunities.

Just two weeks ago, questioning our application-specific metrics lead to an easy 10% improvement in throughput for our biggest consumer of CPU cycles. The consumer is an application that determines whether internet advertising campaigns are eligible to bid on an ad slot, and if so, which creative (ad) to show and at what bid price. For the longest time, the most time-consuming part of that process was the first step, testing for campaign eligibility. Consequently, we tracked the execution of that step precisely and worked hard to minimise the time spent on ineligible campaigns, without paying much attention to the rest of the pipeline. However, we were clearly hitting diminishing returns in that area, so I asked myself how an adversary could use our statistics to mislead us. The easiest way I could think of was to have campaigns that are eligible to bid, but without any creative compatible with the ad slot (e.g., because it’s the wrong size or because the website forbids Flash ads): although the campaigns are technically eligible, they are unable to bid on the ad slot. We added code to track these cases and found that almost half of our “eligible” campaigns simply had no creative in the right size. Filtering these campaigns early proved to be a low-hanging fruit with an ideal code complexity:performance improvement ratio.

Trust no one, not even performance counters

I recently learned that we also had to second-guess instruction level profiles. Contemporary x86oids are out of order, superscalar, and speculative machines, so profiles are always messy: “blame” is scattered around the real culprit, and some instructions (pipeline hazards like conditional jumps and uncached memory accesses, mostly) seem to account for more than their actual share. What I never realised is that, in effect, some instructions systematically mislead and push their cycles to others.

Some of our internal spinlocks use mfence. I expected that to be suboptimal, since it’s common knowledge that locked instruction are more efficient barriers: serialising instructions like mfence have to affect streaming stores and other weakly ordered memory accesses, and that’s a lot more work than just preventing store/load reordering. However, our profiles showed that we spent very little time on spinlocking so I never gave it much thought… until eliminating a set of spinlocks had a much better impact on performance than I would have expected from the profile. Faced with this puzzle, I had to take a closer look at the way mfence and locked instructions affect hardware-assisted instruction profiles on our production Xeon E5s (Sandy Bridge).

I came up with a simple synthetic microbenchmark to simulate locking on my E5-4617: the loop body is an adjustable set of memory accesses (reads and writes of out-of-TLB or uncached locations) or computations (divisions) bracketed by pairs of normal stores, mfence, or lock inc/dec to cached memory (I would replace the fences with an increment/decrement pair and it looks like all read-modify-write instructions are implemented similarly on Intel). Comparing runtimes for normal stores with the other instructions helps us gauge their overhead. I can then execute each version under perf and estimate the overhead from the instruction-level profile. If mfence is indeed extra misleading, there should be a greater discrepancy between the empirical impact of the mfence pair and my estimate from the profile.

You can find the super crufty code here, along with an rdtscp version of cycle.h.

With locked instructions and random reads that miss the L3 cache, the (cycle) profile for the microbenchmark loop is:

$ perf annotate -s cache_misses
    0.06 :        4006b0:       and    %rdx,%r10
    0.00 :        4006b3:       add    $0x1,%r9
    ;; random (out of last level cache) read
    0.00 :        4006b7:       mov    (%rsi,%r10,8),%rbp
   30.37 :        4006bb:       mov    %rcx,%r10
    ;; foo is cached, to simulate our internal lock
    0.12 :        4006be:       mov    %r9,0x200fbb(%rip)        # 601680 <foo>
    0.00 :        4006c5:       shl    $0x17,%r10
    [... Skipping arithmetic with < 1% weight in the profile]
    ;; locked increment of an in-cache "lock" byte
    1.00 :        4006e7:       lock incb 0x200d92(%rip)        # 601480 <private+0x200>
   21.57 :        4006ee:       add    $0x1,%rax
    ;; random out of cache read
    0.00 :        400704:       xor    (%rsi,%r10,8),%rbp
   21.99 :        400708:       xor    %r9,%r8
    ;; locked in-cache decrement
    0.00 :        400729:       lock decb 0x200d50(%rip)        # 601480 <private+0x200>
   18.61 :        400730:       add    $0x1,%rax
    0.92 :        400755:       jne    4006b0 <cache_misses+0x30>

Looking at that profile, I’d estimate that the two random reads account for ~50% of runtime, and the pair of lock inc/dec for ~40%.

The picture is completely different for mfence.

$ perf annotate -s cache_misses
    0.00 :        4006b0:       and    %rdx,%r10
    0.00 :        4006b3:       add    $0x1,%r9
    ;; random read
    0.00 :        4006b7:       mov    (%rsi,%r10,8),%rbp
   42.04 :        4006bb:       mov    %rcx,%r10
    ;; store to cached memory (lock word)
    0.00 :        4006be:       mov    %r9,0x200fbb(%rip)        # 601680 <foo>
    0.20 :        4006e7:       mfence 
    5.26 :        4006ea:       add    $0x1,%rax
    ;; random read
    0.19 :        400700:       xor    (%rsi,%r10,8),%rbp
   43.13 :        400704:       xor    %r9,%r8
    0.00 :        400725:       mfence 
    4.96 :        400728:       add    $0x1,%rax
    0.92 :        40072c:       add    $0x1,%rax
    0.36 :        40074d:       jne    4006b0 <cache_misses+0x30>

It looks like the loads from uncached memory represent ~85% of the runtime, while the mfence pair might account for at most ~15%, if I include all the noise from surrounding instructions.

If I trusted the profile, I would worry about eliminating locked instructions, but not so much for mfence. However, runtimes (in cycles), which is what I’m ultimately interested in, tell a different story. The same loop of LLC load misses takes 2.81e9 cycles for 32M iterations without any atomic or fence, versus 3.66e9 for lock inc/dec and 19.60e9 cycles for mfence. So, while the profile for the mfence loop would let me believe that only ~15% of the time is spent on synchronisation, the mfence pair really represents 86% \(((19.6 - 2.81) / 19.6)\) of the runtime for that loop! Inversely, the profile for the locked pair would make me guess that we spend about 40% of the time there, but, according to the timings, the real figure is around 23%.

The other tests all point to the same conclusion: the overhead of mfence is strongly underestimated by instruction level profiling, and that of locked instructions exaggerated, especially when adjacent instructions write to memory.

  setup     cycles   (est. overhead)  ~actual overhead

div [ALU] (100 Mi iterations)
 atomic: 20153782848   (20%)          ~ 3.8%
 mfence: 28202315112   (25%)          ~31.3%
vanilla: 19385020088


TLB misses (64Mi iterations)
 atomic:  3776164048   (80%)          ~39.3%
 mfence: 12108883816   (50%)          ~81.1%
vanilla:  2293219400 

LLC misses (32Mi iterations)
 atomic:  3661686632   (40%)          ~23.3%
 mfence: 19596840824   (15%)          ~85.7%
vanilla:  2807258536


TLB (64Mi iterations)
 atomic:  3864497496   (80%)          ~10.4%
 mfence: 13860666388   (50%)          ~75.0%
vanilla:  3461354848

LLC (32Mi iterations)
 atomic:  4023626584   (60%)          ~16.9%
 mfence: 21425039912   (20%)          ~84.4%
 vanilla: 3345564432

I can guess why we observe this effect; it’s not like Intel is intentionally messing with us. mfence is a full pipeline flush: it slows code down because it waits for all in-flight instructions to complete their execution. Thus, while it’s flushing that slows us down, the profiling machinery will attribute these cycles to the instructions that are being flushed. Locked instructions instead affect stores that are still queued. By forcing such stores to retire, locked instructions become responsible for the extra cycles and end up “paying” for writes that would have taken up time anyway.

Losing faith in hardware profiling being remotely representative of reality makes me a sad panda; I now have to double check perf profiles when hunting for misleading metrics. At least I can tell myself that knowing about this phenomenon helps us make better informed – if less definite – decisions and ferret out more easy wins.

P.S., if you find this stuff interesting, feel free to send an email (pkhuong at $ My team is hiring both experienced developers and recent graduates (:
