Paul Khuong: some Lisp

All you need is call/cc

Sept 19th, 2013 | Comments

I was going to post this as a comment on r/lisp, but I feel it’s grown a bit too much for the platform. For one time only, this blog will host some Racket code. I apologise in advance to any Schemer reading this. I needed an easy way to play with control operators, but I’ve never really Schemed, so there’s probably a dozen issues with the code and its style.

So, why is the continuation monad the mother of all monads? The short answer is that, by enabling transparent inversion of control, it eliminates the need to sprinkle hooks for monad-specific code everywhere; normal (as much as anything involving delimited continuations can be “normal”) evaluation rules will be subverted as needed. Here’s how.

First, some boilerplate (boilerfoil may be the more appropriate term).

#lang racket
(require racket/control) ; for shift/reset

(define (run thunk return . arguments)
  (reset (return (apply thunk arguments))))

This definition is all that is needed to execute arbitrary Racket code in a monad: the only thing to specify is how a ground value should be moved in the monad. bind will be defined implicitly, through the code for monad-specific behaviour. The body of run defines a context to determine where to stop capturing the continuation, and executes the form (return (apply thunk arguments)) in that context: the thunk is called with any argument provided, and the result is returned into the monad.

For the sake of generalisation, I’ll start with a trivial example: the Maybe monad. First, I’ll quickly define structure types. In practice, a distinguished “nothing” value would suffice, but this way parallels Haskell more closely.

(struct Maybe ())
(struct Nothing Maybe ())
(struct Some Maybe (value))

The constructor Some also doubles as return. In order to abort out, nothing must unwind the continuation and return a Nothing object.

(define (nothing)
  (shift k (Nothing)))

> (run (lambda () 42) Some)
> (Some-value (run (lambda () 42) Some))

The function run obviously works as it should in these trivial examples. It’s also not surprising that nothing works, because it’s the obvious implementation of unwinding with delimited continuations.

> (run (lambda () 42 (nothing) #t) Some)

In the List monad, return is just list. run can be called with a thunk and list as the second argument, and indeed, the result is a normal computation that returns its value as a singleton.

> (run (lambda () (+ 4 5)) list)

The useful thing to do with the List monad is to specify multiple return values, and have the computation fork (lazily in Haskell, eagerly here, because I’m working with strict lists) on each choice. That’s a one-liner:

(define (inject-values . values)
  (shift k (append-map k values)))

This function captures the continuation up to reset, unwinds the current continuation up to that point, and binds the captured delimited continuation to k. Then, it passes each possible value to the continuation, and appends the results together.

Here’s a first example:

> (run (lambda () (+ (inject-values 1 2) (inject-values 3 4))) list)
'(4 5 5 6)

That is, reassuringly, the four possible sums: 1 + 3 = 4, 1 + 4 = 5, 2 + 3 = 5, and 2 + 4 = 6. The magic is that all Scheme code, by virtue of supporting the capture (and unwind) of delimited continuation, is now “in” the List monad. It is certainly the case for that uninstrumented thunk. The pre-defined function map provides a more convincing example.

> (run (lambda ()
         (map cons
              (inject-values '(1 2) '(4 5))
              (inject-values '(3 4) '(5 6))))
'(((1 . 3) (2 . 4))
  ((1 . 5) (2 . 6))
  ((4 . 3) (5 . 4))
  ((4 . 5) (5 . 6)))

I’ve taken the liberty of line-wrapping the return value, and clearly, (map cons ...) has been called with all four pairs of lists… but all the special monadic operations happens outside map. Moving inject-values inside the mapped function is a much stronger evidence that arbitrary uninstrumented Scheme code is implicitly lifted in the monad: map is a predefined (pre-compiled even) library function.

> (run (lambda ()
       (map (lambda (x y) ((inject-values + -) x y))
            '(1 2 3)
            '(4 5 6)))
'((5 7 9)     ; + + +
  (5 7 -3)    ; + + -
  (5 -3 9)    ; + - +
  (5 -3 -3)   ; + - -
  (-3 7 9)    ; - + +
  (-3 7 -3)   ; - + -
  (-3 -3 9)   ; - - +
  (-3 -3 -3)) ; - - -

At each call to the mapped function, the computation explores both the branch in which the arguments are added and the one in which they are subtracted. The result, for 3 pairs of triplets, is a list of 8 triplets.

Neither of these implementations is surprising or new; I believe they’re standard undergraduate exercises in a few universities. The insight in Filinski’s work is that both nothing and inject-values share the same structure and can be defined in terms of the monad they help implement. Because I dislike scrolling, their definitions are copied here.

(define (nothing) ; Maybe
  (shift k (Nothing)))

(define (inject-values . values) ; List
  (shift k (append-map k values)))

Instead of returning the (monadic) value (Nothing) or values (a list), both capture and unwind the delimited continuation, bind it to k, and then do something more to the value. Some squinting reveals that that something more is calling bind with the continuation k as the next step. In the Maybe monad, Nothing >>= k evaluates to Nothing. In the List monad, values >>= k becomes foldr ((++) . k) [] values, which is basically (append-map k values). The general form for any monad is then to implement any operator that doesn’t just return a value as

(define (operator ...)
  (shift k (bind [special stuff] k)))

As code, this gives

(define (make-operator bind operator)
  (lambda arguments
    (shift k (bind (apply operator arguments) k))))

after adding support for variadic operators. For example, choosing between multiple items in a list is

(define (list-bind x k) (append-map k x))

(define inject-values2 (make-operator list-bind list))

Some sketching on paper will show that the transformation is generic and correct, with a proof that mostly goes through repeated applications of the monad laws. Capturing the continuation moves the whole stack of functions that will eventually receive results into a single function (the continuation), and that function can then be passed to bind. The monad laws guarantee that this associative reordering of nested binds preserves the meaning of the program.

We can also mimic do-notation more closely and implement join, an “anti-return”. Given that operator, not returning a value can instead be implemented as joining it after the fact. One definition is (make-operator bind identity), but I feel it’s simpler to just do it longhand.

(define (make-join bind)
  (lambda (value)
    (shift k (bind value k))))

(define join-list (make-join list-bind))

> (run (lambda () (+ 1 (join-list '(1 2 3)))) list)
'(2 3 4)

Of course all this also works when operator is equivalent to return; it’s just pointless. The shift/return/bind dance is then a convoluted way to demand regular Scheme evaluation rules.

And that is how the continuation monad is universal. When code is in the continuation monad (or in a language with delimited continuations), there is a mechanical way to have that code execute in almost any other monad. There are technical restrictions on the monad for the transformation to work, but I think any monad that can be implemented in (pure) Haskell qualifies.

I feel like sigfpe’s presentation was hobbled by the fact that he used the Continuation monad in Haskell, making it harder to see that the Continuation monad of the implementation is completely independent of the emulated one. Really, the idea is one of these nice insights that formalise and generalise old hacks, and seem obvious in retrospect.

The post’s title refers to the fact that delimited continuations can themselves be implemented in terms of call-with-current-continuation (and a single mutable cell). There are many ways to interpret the corollary that call/cc suffices to transpose code into arbitrary monads. It certainly seems like a victory for the minimalist crowd. On the other hand, I believe that the power of programming languages and paradigms lies as much in what they enable as it does in what they forbid (or make inconvenient, at least). From that point of view, it’s not obvious whether the universality of call/cc makes a strong case for or against the feature.

This result also provides a tentative explanation for the low traction of monads among Lispers: perhaps many would rather directly hack the features in, with (ersatz) continuations.
